Piennolo Yellow - OP tomato seeds- Pack of 25 seeds
Piennolo Yellow - OP tomato seeds- Pack of 25 seeds
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The yellow mutation of Piennolo Del Vesuvio, the famed hanging tomato from Naples in the Italian region of Campania that surrounds Mount Vesuvius. This was found in a farmers field and named after his daughter Giulia (GiaGiu short for Gialla di Giulia translates to Giulia’s yellow) It is one of many long shelf life tomatoes from the Mediterranean that can store for multiple months at room temperature, on good years up to 10 months. The flavor is a meaty and rich classic tomato flavor with moderate acidity rather than the typical one-note sweetness of modern tomatoes. Produces plum-shaped saladette type fruit weighing 12g to 40g each.
This mid-late season wispy potato leaf plant prefers a warm and dry Mediterranean climate and is adapted to mild drought. For best results, plant slightly later than main season tomatoes. Significantly reduce irrigation once first fruits begin to ripen for best long term storage and to avoid split or cracked fruit.
This classic heirloom variety was provided to us by tomato breeder and Bene Seeds collaborator Hans Fama.